Why is Morocco attracting foreign investors?

par 15 Mai 2023Insight

Why is Morocco attracting foreign investors?

Morocco attracts foreign investors for several reasons, including:

Strategic location: Morocco is located at the crossroads between Europe, Africa and the Middle East, which makes it an ideal platform for international trade.

Political stability: Morocco is known to be one of the most stable and secure countries in Africa, with a democratic government that encourages foreign investment.

Developed infrastructure: Morocco has invested heavily in its infrastructure in recent years, with projects to develop ports, airports, roads, railways, industrial parks and free zones, making it an attractive location for businesses.

Skilled Workforce: Morocco has a young, educated and multilingual workforce, with a working population of over 11 million people, making it a valuable resource for foreign companies looking to settle in the region.

Favorable business environment: Morocco has put in place a favorable legal and regulatory framework for foreign investors, with incentives such as tax exemptions, subsidies and customs benefits for foreign companies.

These factors, combined with a steadily growing economy, make Morocco an attractive investment location for foreign companies looking to expand their presence on the African continent.

Expert Comptable, Commissaires aux Comptes et membre de l’Ordre des Experts-Comptables.

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